After reading on how to finally start your private IV practice and knowing the IV therapy start-up costs and considerations, you may probably want to take the next step and open your own IV therapy clinic. But, who can actually own an IV business? Can a Registered Nurse (RN) or an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) actually own one? This article will shed some light on this topic.
IV therapy has been used for decades for a variety of medical problems. Currently, it has been utilized to treat wider range of conditions such as fatigue, a needed boost of immunity or physical performance and overall wellness. Thus, IV business is a great option in the health and wellness sector with a very good earning potential. It is start-up that can be suitable for a number of people interested in a new income stream.
Who can own an IV therapy clinic?

In most states, IV therapy is considered as practice of medicine wherein legal doctrine prohibits lay people from owning medical clinics and employing physicians. Some state heavily regulate IV therapy, meaning only physicians can own the medical clinic; while others allow joint ownership by other health care providers or non-professionals.
As an RN you can own an IV therapy practice, however, you will need the help of a provider. Provider – Doctor (MDs or DO), Nurse Practitioner (NP), Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA), and Physician Assistant (PA) – is needed to complete client’s history and physical examination and order the indicated infusion protocol. A practitioner can also own an IV Therapy Practice, however, the provider scope of practice will vary state by state. Some states allow NPs and CRNAs to practice independently (without physician involvement), others require NPs or CRNAs to collaborate with or be supervised by a physician.
You will need to check your state’s Nurse Practice Act to determine the level of physician involvement that is required. If the Nurse Practice Act is vague or unclear we recommend consulting with a healthcare attorney familiar with your state’s scope of practice regulations.
As we are not attorneys or experts in every state’s regulations, it is not possible for us to provide a break down of each state’s rules. We recommend that you consult with the Board of Pharmacy in your state and/or consult an attorney familiar with the regulations in your state.
How to find a collaborating physician?
First start by asking the physicians you work with or have known in the past. You might be surprised on how many of our students found their collaborating physician this way. In case no one shows interest There are a few companies such as Collaborating Docs, Doctors for Providers and International Business Association for Nurses. You can also post a job on job websites such as Indeed and search for a supervising physicians.
One of the most important takeaways is to remember that each state has its own rules and regulations outlining who may do what and who may own what. Be sure to check your state’s requirements and the Board of Nursing before you start.