How IV Nutrition Therapy Is Changing Holistic Medicine
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How IV Nutrition Therapy Is Changing Holistic Medicine

Writer's picture: IV Therapy AcademyIV Therapy Academy

Updated: Sep 21, 2024


Full Transcript

JR Burgess: [00:00:00] Hello. Welcome, everybody. Just give me one minute to get squared away here. We have an important topic today, and I'm very excited for it, as I have the opportunity to introduce a good friend, Dr. Eric Ehle who has been in the Healthnovators MedFit Network for a long time. He's been dedicated to really go beyond a conventional care model that is focused on getting world-leading outcomes from regenerative medicine to functional medicine, to medical fitness. The integrative elements that really can meet patients where they're at & give them the comprehensive solutions that change lives.

And we're going to talk a little bit today about another outcome enhancement, which is IV therapies. They have the opportunity to really help any one of those services that I mentioned, get a better outcome, making it easier for patients to recover faster, to overcome sickness, illness, to enhance regenerative outcomes. So we're gonna talk a little bit about that, but then ultimately just like so many doctors, they have amazing services, but they don't always work, and they sit and collect dust. There's not a team that can communicate with them or convert them because they're a cash-paying service. So we're here to have a fun conversation about IV therapies and all it takes to make these game-changing services really impact your patient's lives.

Dr. Eric, thank you so much for gracing us with your time. So tell us a little bit about your desire to go from conventional to creating a world-leading clinical model that is shaping lives for lots of people.

Dr. Eric Ehle: [00:01:42] Right out of residency, I started Well Life Family Medicine, so that was back in 2013. There was no other option. I knew that's what I wanted to do because I wanted the patients to see us for what we believed in & for what we were having to offer versus just coming to the doc for antibiotics and steroids, and so it was about quality medicine, not quantity.

Right out of the gate, basically, we had that kind of model of integrative primary care, more in a functional way. We also did regenerative medicine with prolotherapy, PRP STEM cells, and then medical fitness. In IV therapy, I got exposed to that back in 2006, and just all the power that it had in people's lives and I had some crazy exposure in residency. Working in the hospital, I'd ordered IV magnesium for someone with a migraine, and pharmacies call me and ask me if the guy's in torsades. And it's just a funny story. If someone's in torsades, you can't be calling and wasting 15 minutes of time to ask me to confirm if this dose of magnesium is okay. But anyhow, going from that whole conventional mindset to integrative, and the bottom line is just doing right by the patient whatever's the least amount of harm for the most amount of benefit.

JR Burgess: [00:03:01] So, for me, we added those in Rejuve. I don't remember-- 2016, 2017 -- I had undiagnosed Lyme's disease for 18 to 24 months. And I just thought it was because I had fatigue from traveling the world to introduce our medical fitness model, to help bring practitioners. That's where we connected and the stress of running multiple businesses while not taking the best care of myself with numerous sports injuries. So when we found out it was Lyme's disease, I did the functional stuff, did the antibiotics, and I would do okay until every time I traveled again, then I would be right back in the tanks.

But when we introduced IV therapies from the vitamin C's to the glutathiones of getting on a regimen for about three months, I went from probably averaging a five or six sometimes down to a two of “man, am I ever going to be the same again?” This, to me, was the difference-maker. I know a lot of people, whether it's Lyme's disease, have leaky guts or a dysfunctional gut, can you tell maybe for somebody that isn't familiar with IV therapies, what is the benefit of being administered these vitamins or nutrients without having to hit the gut lining that you see in typical outcomes with patients that deal with autoimmune disease or fatigue, or nutrient deficiencies?

Dr. Eric Ehle: [00:04:33] Yeah, of course. That's always a great question there. People ask about why not just do it orally, and of course, it's the whole threshold phenomenon.

A plane at 99 miles an hour is just a glorified car until it takes off, and that's the same thing with IV therapy. It's really more of you're using it in a pharmacological level of basically drug level. And IV Vitamin C is a perfect example of that.

You have an antioxidant dose of less than 10 grams. And then you go into oxidative therapy above that. As a bug killer or cancer killer or whatever, you just can't achieve that orally. You mentioned about gut health and obviously, if they have a leaky gut and they're not absorbing things well, and even if they are absorbing things well, the amount that we're getting in our diet is just not what it used to be.

The percentage of people that are not meeting their RDAs is crazy. It's about 80% that aren't getting their adequate magnesium levels. And when we look at our soils and that it's just been overdone to where the content of iron is just dropping significantly. We talk about spinach, the amount of iron it has now versus in the 1930s. It's crazy how much more spinach we have to eat or apples -- we're talking about other things -- so just not getting the amount of levels of micronutrients we had.

And then you talked about the genetic aspect of things. Bruce Ames came up with the Ames test -- all of these genetic polymorphisms that we just may not handle things quite as well. And so we need this more pharmacological dose that we just can't achieve orally.

And yes, sometimes you can do it orally, but it's like driving from the East coast to the West coast. You can get there, but I'd much rather fly than drive just to get you there a little quicker. So “how quickly do you want to get better?” is the best question to ask the patient and we can get you going today and jumpstart things, or we can do the slow boat to China and get there a little longer.

JR Burgess: [00:06:40] I’ve seen some, prior to the last few years, some stand-alones. Now, I'm seeing the wide adoption in many clinical models from pain management clinics, adding ketamines, NAD IVs, nutrient ones -- like you said the vitamin C's, the Myers cocktail, some of the traditional ones that you see at the drip bars, I've seen family practices adding this from a pain, from a nutrient, especially functional medicine ones.

What have you seen, especially since we're going to talk later towards the end, more of you guys have turnkey processes -- not only how do you do it, but how do you make the business model work? Tell me a little bit about the type of clinics that you're seeing these introduced to now more than ever.

Dr. Eric Ehle: [00:07:35] Yeah, great question.

Of course obviously it is a money maker. It can be. So you've got the clinics that are adding it for the ancillary revenue. I think a lot of people just want to help people so they see it as a service to get patients better quicker. Of course it's a win-win, so you can obviously help patients plus help the practice and that's a pretty good service. Obviously when I first started doing some coaching practice with you, one of the first places to start is to talk about reverse engineering your goal and what are the ways we can grow the business. Figure out where you want to go first and then figure out how to get there.

There's three main ways to make more money in practice. You can either see more patients. That's not my model. I don't like that. I like quality, not quantity. You can either do more. So that's what we've done and I have a little bit of that shiny object syndrome. Some of our services collect some dust, like you mentioned, but we have like over 30 ancillary services with hyperbaric and sauna and emperor -- all kinds of different things.

Or you can charge more. If you're in the insurance-based model, you can't charge more -- they cap you out. If you're cash-based, you can ramp up your charges as much as you want. That's the three ways. Again, we're talking about IV therapy as being one of the ancillary revenues. You can obviously do it yourself -- a lot of people can. It's not that hard to throw together an IV. It's the legality or the liability -- you wanna make sure you do it right. I always recommend with any new service that you add to the practice to do it right. Save your money ahead of time by getting a mentor or someone that's already been there & done that and learned the hard lessons there. I've of course, experimented a lot of these things on me and doing kilation, and then going for a run later and my muscles cramp up because I don't have enough calcium on my system or doing UVBI, and start having some hematuria after a few rounds because a nurse gave me a little too much heparin or whatever. But again, learn from someone that's already done it. There's basically three ways to grow a business. So we talked about finding new patients versus getting patients to spend more with you.

So again, if you already have an established practice, adding on IV therapy is a great way to grow. Having the dedicated IV bars -- that's a much harder model, especially with COVID. One of those things that we've seen with COVID is we learned to diversify. Don't put all your eggs in one basket.

You never know when you may or may not have that revenue to depend on. But it's a great way to build to the practice. We focused on the therapies that are most beneficial to patients. We don't go for Myer. Not everybody needs IV therapy -- some people can just do it orally. But for the right person, it can make a big change for them.

JR Burgess: [00:10:28] I love what you said right there. Reverse engineering, a successful business model. And if you're listening, the one principle that's gonna make you feel the most fulfilled and gonna take you the furthest, especially when you're not a quantity model, is successful patient outcomes. And you can use the cutting edge therapies, regenerative medicine, you can use functional medicine...but if you don't get that patient healthy or bought into the behaviors or have the tools that help, the IV therapies are one of those that to me, are a catalyst to outcome between the direct nutrients to the body, through IVs or dealing with the emotions or matters of the heart.

That's the thing that, where I see chronic pain, recurring injuries, the disease of undealt emotional issues, lifestyle and nutritional deficiencies. This is one of those things that if you have an integrated practice, this is going to help you get good outcomes and we can move into the conversation a little bit, just like you brought up those business mentalities. I see many practitioners, unfortunately, that they are in a transactional model. That is not that much different than an insurance-based model, just with different services. But now it's more complicated for them to do this because this is coming out of the patient's pocket versus the insurance covering those transactional services. Even over the last two years, we had enough volume where we could upsell and we had case managers, but not all the practitioners have that or can grow like we do and spent years -- just like you -- and business masterminds and coaching, doing everything that you go.

I found helping them sell transformational programs that don't take the doctor's one-on-one time are really important. So how do you sell them a year program or a monthly membership or the ultimate transformation that may include two regeneratives, a monthly IV, every lab tests. And you're selling the 10,000 to the $20,000 transformations because ultimately, if you do one IV, one PRP, that may take someone there, but then you have to resell them over and over again. And that's just the shift where I've seen good integrated practices go from good to getting better. So can you tell me some of the challenges that you have seen for other entrepreneurs listening that the importance of having the right team, the right message, the right branding, the right emails, auto responders, all the stuff that you've learned over the years to continue to incorporate. And why your service, that we'll talk towards the end, is trying to do most of the heavy lifting for the practitioners.

Dr. Eric Ehle: [00:13:26] Our biggest overhead is our staff. Finding the right team -- we have a really great team right now, which is awesome, but we haven't always had that.

The whole saying “hire slow, fire fast.” -- I think I need to take a lead from you there, and of course handling family situations like when you have to let your brother go. But anyhow, when you talk about investing in yourself, you are going to be the best investment you can make. You can look at some of the different things like if you buy your building and other things -- but the amount that it takes to learn a new skill and doing it on your own, versus just finding someone that's already been there, done that? You can save thousands of dollars just having a turnkey plug and play & get you going right off the bat. If you have any of those options out there, please let me know. Cause I'm ready to spend money there because it just makes sense. It's like an ATM versus wanting to find someone that's already gone down that road versus having to reinvent the wheel there. It's not much fun.

JR Burgess: [00:14:47] Yeah it's so important. Unless you have the time or the patience. I look at athletes, the highest paid ones get paid in the draft the faster or more powerful they are. And it comes down to can you do this on your own? Can you go slower? Can you create this playbook? But why? When you can go a little bit faster with business models that have a system that works and I've rarely seen anybody do better by going in alone without coaching, without a system of some sort.

And that's why I’m bringing you on. I love that you have something that's been proven that worked. That you as a team have looked at so many of the different elements to put this in because I have seen practices try to do the IVs and be not profitable ever, or not that it doesn't get good patient outcomes, but then it's hard for you is if you're running this independent practice, to show up for your family, your patients, if you're not profitable.

And that's what kills me in these independent practices is I know they're right, but yet the doctors are making less than what they would have if they'd have stayed in the conventional model. So it's more stress, it's more added times.

Really, like you said, investing in yourself, learning how to go from beyond a doctor to even functional and regenerative as extra training. How do you balance the education of learning, how to run a business that isn't about manipulating your patients? It's about getting a better outcome.

It's about a win-win-win for you, your team members, to have a professional place that they can grow in for the patients. We want everybody to win because the other system is fixed. It's fixed to burn out doctors. It's fixed to keep patients unhealthy and not optimal. It's fixed to make the pharma, the big people the big money, but it's not working for everybody and that's why we're in this chronic pain and chronic disease crisis. That's why we're in an unhealthy nation. That's why there's the doctor burnout and suicide and people unhappy. So it's making these integrated practices win-win-win. You know what it takes -- you've been through the rigors of making it all work.

So if you could even go back knowing what you know now, would you have taken a different trajectory, would you have, and I know you've been in coaching and masterminds, what would you be telling doctors that are either thinking about leaving the conventional? What would you tell the ones that are in it right now and not quite where they need to be?

How to understand that this is more important than ever for consumers or the people to be healthy. This is why you guys went to med school. How do we save them from the problems that many practitioners that go independently have gone through.

Dr. Eric Ehle: Obviously we're a misnomer -- it's not really healthcare. It's sick care. Whether you pay upfront with insurance versus the patients that pay. In the end, obviously insurances will cover the bare essentials. It's like car insurance. They won't cover your tires or anything else that is really necessary.

But the key there is, and what I'm trying to learn, is to do what only I can do and then outsource the rest. I brought on a scribe this year and it’s one of the best decisions I've made in practice in the last seven years. For those doctors that, of course, maybe want to get out of conventional medicine and go and do their own thing, I definitely would have done things a little different in hindsight. And that's one of the reasons why we started the IV Therapy Academy is because we’ve been there and done that. I've gone to a lot of different IV therapy courses but the problem is, there's lots of good courses out there, but information without implementation is not very helpful.

There's tons of informational courses out there, but until you actually know how to implement it from A to Z, that's the biggest difference. So when you're looking at learning new skills or finding out ways to grow the practice, what's important is “how can we implement this? How do we reverse engineer it?” It always goes back to that. I like the entrepreneurial operating system as well. Talking about delegate and elevate -- again, that's a great model for the business side of things. Just focusing on what's important and urgent first -- get those taken care of and then focus on what's not urgent but still important. Those are the two things to be focusing on. We talk about our quarterly rocks and try to just focus on those. Stay hone and kind of laser focused on those couple of topics for those three months. Chris, again, I got that shiny object syndrome.

So you get your cell phones, they're dinging and it seems urgent, but it's not really important. We get distracted. I think a lot of times, with people that are starting new clinics, we get distracted very easily. Trying to just stay focused on what's important to you -- what drives you, is always the key. So figure out your why before you figure out your way. Work-life balance. One of the things about me is that I love what I do and it's my passion. It's my calling in life. Definitely being in a private practice is not the easiest.

I would much rather just get a paycheck but I would lose my vitality if I did that, it’s like selling my soul. Bottom line again is how much revenue do you want to make? Who do you want to serve with your clinic? Do you want to change your community or change the world? Do you want us to stay small or grow big? One of the things that I've learned when we started off with coaching with you, of course, it's always “where's your autoresponder” and “where's your landing page” and this, that. I think we shouldn't feel shamed in the thinking that we have to grow our business. I think some of the businesses that grow and continue, they actually become less profitable and create bigger headaches and provide more services that we really just need to figure out our why.

Just because you're not growing doesn't mean there's something wrong. We have to be conscious of the decisions that we make to grow our clinic and to what degree. We should be optimizing for better, not necessarily more. Just figure out what's right for you and just do some soul searching -- whether that's staying with your current model and trying to bring services to the clinic that you’re already in versus branching out on your own. The grass is always greener on the other side -- there's always going to be headaches and things to deal with.

Just change your perspective on things. It's like stress. Stress is the interpretation of the stressors. You can't change the stressors. There's going to be things you're going to deal with, but you can change your stress levels. The key is just change your perspective to change your life.

JR Burgess: [00:22:15] That's so important and you dropped some major wisdom -- being very transparent and vulnerable. So thank you so much for that. I will summarize it.

Number one is what is right for you -- less is sometimes more. So meaning do you want to change the world? Great. You better be ready to climb some mountains then. That's when I recognized my mind was “change the world, change the world, change the world,” but yet my health, my wife and my children were suffering. I chose that. I'm not saying balance because when you're an entrepreneur, there are some sprints and there are some different things right there.

But I had to redefine what I ultimately wanted, which was to travel the world with my family and to see beautiful things and use my best gifts, which were speaking, consulting and strategizing. So I had built start learning to say no to the 75 best business ideas from people -- because they knew I was an implementer.

Which goes to point number two which is clarity. When you have clarity of vision and your why -- it’s what you need to have focus on. Here's the plan: that's reverse engineering that's going to get you there. And you mentioned traction EOS. There's going to be a lot of stuff -- but what are the most important things to get you there? So you can say no, or you can say next quarter, or if it does become the most important, you can substitute something because if you are in stress, that means you're usually not clear. You're not focused. You don't know what to do if you're in anxiety or fear versus just knowing you can just show up and do what you can do in front of you. So that action can alleviate anxiety if you know what that action step is. And then what we've all had to learn to become if we're going to be entrepreneurs is delegator. Just like you said, the importance of the team members, them knowing your vision, your plan, having some structure, core processes, something to develop in there -- that is really the secret sauce to being an entrepreneur is you can't do it all. You're supposed to do what you do best. You may have to build it and put some time into building that structure.

But when you can have a team that does what they do best, and is on the same page with your vision, magic things can happen. So thank you for all of that.

You have maybe a few slides that you can show us about the IV therapies, and kind of talk about this. You have a team of people that have developed the infrastructure, the marketing, the tools, the resources, and there's a couple of different plans -- not only clinically trained how to do it, but how to implement the business. Because most practitioners, if you're going to be the one-to-one care, then you're going to need an implementer, a delegator or a proven system. Otherwise, you're going to be challenged. You're going to be challenged no matter what, but we want you to succeed in your challenge as to climb a mountain and have some victories. Take your breath. Walk your way back down. Climb another one.

Dr. Eric Ehle: [00:25:19] Our focus is the implementation of IV therapy. In, we offer a free trial -- a two week period that has some of the different order sets, the history, the intake forms, informed consents, all of the kind of infusion record stuff and kind of gives you a little sample of what we have to offer.

And we have the full version with the business aspects, or even goes into some of the marketing stuff -- some sample operating agreements. Obviously one of the biggest questions we get asked is if we have nurses and nurse practice that want to start up an IV therapy practice -- they have to find a supervising doc.

And maybe you're on the other side of things and you are the MD or something starting the practice. We have job offer letters and non-compete agreements and subcontracting agreements and job posting and just all the business stuff.

We do a twice a month live Q&A sessions to just work through that together. And we have a ton of different protocols...I think about 30 different protocols. Just some of the more sought after protocols and all of the different topics that we talk about there.

And part of a bonus for signing up is that we give them a full business plan. So again, just figuring out and reverse engineering where you want to be at. Projections are super key there and making sure if you're not hitting your targets -- why is that? Again, reverse engineer so that you can hit your goals.

We have an optional additional purchase for policy and procedure manual. And I can't tell you how many clinics actually have one of these. Because it's so rare and it’s just a necessary evil, but no one really wants to do it. But legality wise, if you were to get audited, the first thing they're going to say is “where is your policy and procedure manual?”

So if you don't have that kind of CYA, you can be up a creek. So it's a really important thing and we've already done all the hard work for you. Again, do what only you can do and outsource the rest. And we're here to try to help outsource some of that stuff for you and get your staff trained up.

We were talking about some of the staffing and how costly staff is. There was a crazy quote by Brad Smart by Topgrading. “Mis-hire can cost you 13 times the base salary of that position.” So say the base salary is at 75,000. The wrong choice could cause you about a million dollars of lost time, money and productivity. So it's so important to find the right people. And when you think about the cost of a program like's pennies.

You're hiring someone for $15 an hour. How many good employees can you find for $15 an hour? And that's just a month’s salary there. Invest in yourself, invest in whether it's IV therapy or any other service. Again, the bottom line is if IV therapy is not aligned with what you're trying to do and accomplish, that's fine.

Do your soul searching. But it can pretty much plug into any model -- whether you're an OB GYN or pain management. We offer ketamine in our office and that's been a game changer. There's some stigma around that. I was a little hesitant at first. KC, one of my colleagues, and also one of the co-faculty members of the IV therapy Academy, started offering it in 2016 and it wasn't until 2018 that we started doing it.

But I had a patient that committed suicide when he was on the phone with his mom and both of them were patients of mine. It's heart-wrenching. Could I have done anything different with that patient?

And that’s one of the things that molds and shapes my practice. In the stats with ketamine and suicide and being able to get someone out of that deep dark hole -- that's powerful medicine. Then when you start looking at pain management, we're talking about people with chronic contractures and then all of a sudden they can move their hands. The first time they'd been pain-free in the last 20 years -- that's powerful medicine. Being able to offer treatments like that...that's powerful.

JR Burgess: [00:29:56] I wanted to touch on that because so many people stop because this isn't their realm of comfort knowing or understanding. Yet so many doctors are the most educated, most learning, but then we create this bias but we know how to evaluate right? But is that patient getting any better? Is the insurance solving their problem? Are they able to do the things that they once would or love, or can they even communicate?

If not, then the plan should change if we know it doesn't work. We've heard the definition of insanity so I won't insult anybody. But I've been in those clinics in the pain management and the family practice that they're doing this now, and it's a game changer, just like you said. 20 years of depression and in chronic pain -- done and they’re back to doing the things that they love.

I like trying everything. I've been a human guinea pig and I've had my own chronic pain. And as of this September, the first time in 15 years, I'm not out of pain. Since I was 12 and I had my traumatic experiences, I needed some form of sedation -- which was sports, which was work, which was drugs, which was cannabis at one time.

I'm completely substance free, managed emotions unreactive and the ketamine clinic was the kickoff for this for me. I was able to trace right back to my two early childhood traumas where this happened. It was the catalyst to the transformation that I've been going through the last two years.

And my family is thankful for it. I've literally changed my wife's, my children's life, my life, because of these things that some people just immediately shut down. So all I ask for anybody in the healthcare space is this is the one place where innovation is usually poo-pooed upon. That yet everything else -- technology, cell phones, infrastructure, cars, vehicles -- everything's growing at this pace that we're accepting, but healthcare is just like immediately frowned upon. And I'm not doubting that we don't need more research and more continued outcomes. But look where most of the research is -- is that biased? Is it paid? How do we get patients the best outcomes?

And thank you for being willing to be open for the regenerative doctors, for the functional doctors, for anybody out there that just knows there's more for your patients. This is what the world needs -- just somebody to look them in the eyes and say, “I have hope. I have belief, that as long as you're willing and to take a step there's possible solutions for you.”

And that's all I can ask. Great doctors, just like you, that are willing, that are open, that want the world to live in a better place. And ketamine is something that is a game changer that I've seen.

Dr. Eric Ehle: [00:33:03] When you're in a deep dark place it takes a big gun to get you back to doing good. And NAD or some of these other therapies, we do a lot with Alzheimer's and dementia and again, for someone to start talking and doing things for the first time in 20 years, that they finally actually recognize their husband’s spouse. When you can just give that back to someone again, that's so powerful.

Talking about responses, obviously we always love the wins. That's awesome. The positive response. You're on the right track. But what happens if you don't get any response?

Maybe the IV therapy wasn't right for them in the first place. Maybe you need to increase the dose. Maybe you need to change it to a different formula. And what happens when they feel worse? That's always the one that's a little bit difficult. But that can be because they have more of a physiologic shift. Maybe they were dehydrated. What's a misnomer is people are getting these IV therapies. But the IV therapies are actually a little bit dehydrating. Most people, the osmolarity is actually too high. Usually we'll use sterile water to keep the osmolarity a little more isotonic, but sometimes you actually have to just give them a lot more fluids. Or maybe they're a little dehydrated beforehand. So just making sure that they're drinking water afterwards there could be an immunological activity and can activate the immune system.

Maybe they're so sick that their immune system just didn't know how to handle things. And then you just gave him rocket fuel. And you're going 60 zero to 60 in 2.5 seconds. So it was just too fast for them there. They weren't able to handle it. And you may be able to slow it down a little bit or decrease the dose and you get some pathway activations. So again, obviously your body may start killing different bugs and you may be just supporting their immune system in that way.

So sometimes if you can just work through it a little bit, and if they can tolerate it, you may just, after a few IVs, have that kind of a Herxheimer detox, whatever reaction may clear up. But none of those things are a bad sign -- whether you're getting good responses, no responses or worse. It's just feedback and that's the key there. There is no such thing as failure. It's just feedback.

Everything looks like failure in the middle -- whether you're baking a cake. My wife hates me to be in the kitchen cause it's going to be a disaster. Or you talk about being in surgery, it looks like a murder got blood everywhere. Or going into the're constantly having to course correct. The key is whether you're trying to lose weight or help someone's health or whatever, it's course correction. Did this and the outcome was this. If it ain't working, change it up. The proof's in the pudding there. The key there is just working through things.

JR Burgess: [00:35:56] I love that you said that because sometimes one failed regenerative -- it gets a bad rap or the IV didn't do it, or there's a bad reaction...but show me the other side.

Are there not infections in the joint replacements? Are there not bad surgeries? Are there not deaths with thyroid medication management? All these issues happen every place. And I'm not saying that that is great by any means. What I'm saying is, you gave the best analogy possible...if anything is not getting better, they're still wanting a solution. But they may get worse in every other situation here as well. What we can't do is give up. We are course correcting. We are trying...there's so many things. Meaning when I did my intranasal STEM cells, because of Lyme's disease and trying to take it to the next thing. I was in the ER the night after, but guess what? That's baking up that biofilm. I had a reaction. I came out better a month later. So I could have said, “Oh, that's bad and never do anything like that.” But just like you say, I'm seeing intrathecal STEM cells that are helping people in these neurodegenerative clinics have game changes or stop the progression of these horrible diseases.

And people want to look in these cash cares at the one thing of why we shouldn't go down this versus show me the other side of all the amazing things. But the other side I want to position right back to you is why I'm so thankful that you're helping run these programs. I know I go to a lot of them or sometimes it's nurses and there's nothing wrong with that.

You're a doctor that is helping educate and be a part of these live events and really explain the education, how to optimize, how to hydrate, based on your clinical experience that is huge, of how to do these safely, effectively at the highest level. So can you break down the two different offers of what you are including for these clinics when it comes to IV therapy?

And I don't know if you have a slide or two that you can show, but I want you to go because this is the best course that I've seen. In terms of not just how to do these, but the ongoing training support in the business in a box system that saves you the time. The doctors aren't the implementers. We want you to connect with the patients and prescribe it. We want to make everything else as easy as possible for you.

Dr. Eric Ehle: [00:38:25] I hope, if anything, that I just inspired people to do a little bit of soul searching. The worst thing you can do after hearing something like this, or go into a course or whatever, is to do nothing.

Again, information without implementation is not very helpful. I would encourage people to not experiment on yourself and patients. You want to know what you're doing. So get trained, get taught correctly with whatever you're going to do. Don't reinvent the wheel. I get into a little bit of analysis paralysis at times, so you have to do ready fire aim sometimes. And sometimes fire, fire, fire, and the whole West Texas shotgun approach right there. Eventually you'll get it.

JR Burgess: [00:39:15] In the middle. Always somewhere in the middle is the secret sauce.

Dr. Eric Ehle: [00:39:17] We have two offers when we talk about IV Therapy Academy. We have our full version with the business. That's typically is $1495.

JR Burgess: [00:39:34] It's literally a steal. It's like a no brainer. It's incredibly affordable. I was literally blown away and that is serving the world's need at an important time. It's can't find anything better.

Dr. Eric Ehle: [00:39:53] The key there is one patient pays for it. That's all you need.

And when you think about it in those terms in return on investment, it's astronomical. It's like printing money. If your goal is more of the business aspect of things, obviously you got the patient benefit of things as well. It's a win-win-win. In ADP, you can obviously take some stress off yourself where you're not having to produce all the revenue for the clinic and some of these ancillary services can start helping you out. That's kinda the key there.

We have a course comparison on our website. If maybe you don't need the business stuff, you're already set up and you know the marketing ins and outs, and you don't need all of that, which almost everybody could benefit from some of that stuff -- we do have our lite version.

The lite version is $997. Now both of these come with CMEs. Everybody needs some CMEs and so might as well again, add another ancillary service. That's the difference you get at 14 and a half hours for the lite version, 25 and a half hours for the business full version. We keep updating and optimizing with feedback from our students. We have over 600 students right now. We've been doing it for the last three years. We created this course out of need because there was no other course out there that I could find that was offering the things that we were offering.

Again, there was great information out there, but the implementation like some of the courses did have a few forms here and there, but as far as all the different recipes and just making it as easy as possible A to Z? There was nothing else out there.

In addition to that, twice a month, we do live Q&A sessions. There’s three of us on the call. There's Jason Duprat, myself and KC Devine there. Being able to harness three people that have been there, done that not only for IV therapies, but for just business in general.

The ongoing support there is just priceless versus you can get the information and just try to do it on your own. But if you have a problem, solve it. Again, you're going to run into things. So just knowing how to deal with those situations, it's always great to have to stand on the shoulders of giants and use what we've had -- the experiences we've had, and that you can then pass on your own clients and patients.

JR Burgess: [00:42:34] The best deal in the market. Because when we started, we had to send in travel and go do all that for the training. And we didn't have the ongoing support and the turn key system. There was some competitive advantage, which was great and really thankful for how we were trained. But from affordability, even if, like you said, you're not going to even do this...the CMEs, the low product, to get the coaching, to know how to refer if you are a practitioner and want to get your patients to a different place. Because even if you learn how to refer and collaborate with people in your community that are doing this, you are going to create a relationship which we talk about all the time. Create your health network to get your patients -- the physical, the mental, the internal, the emotional -- of being the quarterback of care that is solving your patient's problems because this is what the world needs. And you need outcome-focused, heart-centered practitioners that understand it and are trained in it. And Dr. Ehle is one of the best, one of the elite. I think this is just the best deal that I've ever seen in terms of a turnkey business that can have an outcome-focused impact at this type of cost.

So full endorsement. I know the training and how he shows up for the years, I think what you're doing is spectacular. So thank you so much. So jump on that link below, at least do it yourself and review everything and jump on it though.

This serves the world's needs right now. Or tell the practitioner too, because there's so many other courses that are five times more expensive and do not have what this has from the comprehensive and the ongoing support. So I just think it's incredibly a wonderful opportunity. So happy to be able to share that with all of you.

So thank you, Dr. Ehle. Appreciate you so much.

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