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How IV Vitamin C Can Support Cardiovascular Health and Decrease Blood Pressure

Updated: Sep 21

It’s common in integrative medicine circles to think of intravenous (IV) vitamin C administration in the context of immune system support for colds, the flu, and even cancer, but is this the limit of its effects? Research demonstrates that IV vitamin C is also extremely beneficial in supporting cardiovascular health in general, including optimal blood pressure levels in pre-hypertensive individuals and in those diagnosed with hypertension.

These effects make IV vitamin C an excellent treatment option for individuals who need to bolster their immune systems but who could also use some additional cardiovascular support. Furthermore, the growing recognition of the role of vitamin C infusions in modern medicine highlights their potential beyond traditional uses, emphasizing their importance in comprehensive health strategies.

Can Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy Really Help Reduce Blood Pressure?

Yes, fairly recent research suggests that oral intake of higher doses of vitamin C may have a protective blood pressure-lowering effect in individuals with mild hypertension. In fact, compared to those who were given placebo in a randomized controlled trial, individuals who were given vitamin C had a smaller spike in blood pressure in response to a stress test. Their blood pressures also returned to pre-stress levels 40 minutes post-test. On the other hand, blood pressure levels remained slightly elevated at the 40-minute mark in the placebo group. [1] This slower recovery time noted in the placebo group has been associated with increased cardiovascular risk.[2]

Despite this promising research, studies on oral intake of vitamin C in hypertension have been mixed. In some cases, patients who were given lower doses did not quite experience the decrease in blood pressure that was seen in study participants who were given higher doses. This may be because vitamin C’s effect on blood pressure is dose-dependent.

Additionally, there is a limit to the amount of vitamin C that is absorbed intestinally when orally administered. Intestinal vitamin C absorption takes place via a dose-dependent active transport process that maintains plasma levels at 50–100 μmol/l. As a result, less than half of orally administered doses exceeding one gram per day is absorbed.[3]

On the other hand, when we administer higher doses (1-200 grams) of vitamin C intravenously, we’re able to see plasma concentrations of up to 20 mmol/L, which is 100-fold greater than what we see with oral administration.[3]

How Does IV Vitamin C Infusion Benefit Heart Health and Blood Pressure?

IV Vitamin C has garnered attention for its potential benefits in supporting cardiovascular health and reducing blood pressure. Here’s how it can help:

Support for Cardiovascular Health

  • Antioxidant Properties: IV vitamin C can help protect heart health by acting as an antioxidant. It fights harmful molecules called free radicals that damage blood vessels and heart tissue. By reducing oxidative stress and inflammation, IV vitamin C may also help lower blood pressure. In additon, Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties may also complement magnesium’s effects in supporting cardiovascular health.

  • Improvement in Endothelial Function: Vitamin C plays a crucial role in maintaining the health of the endothelium, the thin layer of cells lining blood vessels. Improved endothelial function is associated with better blood flow and reduced risk of atherosclerosis.

Blood Pressure Regulation

  • Lowering Blood Pressure: Research indicates that high-dose intravenous Vitamin C can significantly lower blood pressure, particularly in individuals with hypertension. Studies have shown reductions in systolic blood pressure by as much as 8–9 mmHg in pre-hypertensive patients after receiving IV Vitamin C.

  • Rapid Action: Unlike oral supplementation, which has limited absorption, IV administration allows for much higher plasma concentrations of Vitamin C (up to 20 mmol/L). This rapid increase can lead to immediate effects on blood pressure regulation during treatment sessions.

  • Dose-Dependent Effects: The blood pressure-lowering effects of Vitamin C appear to be dose-dependent. Higher doses administered intravenously are more effective than lower oral doses, which often do not achieve sufficient plasma levels to impact blood pressure significantly.

Clinical Implications

  • Potential Treatment Option: IV Vitamin C may be a valuable treatment option for patients with mild to moderate hypertension, especially those who have not responded well to traditional therapies. It can be integrated into treatment plans alongside other cardiovascular health strategies.

  • Safety Profile: IV Vitamin C is generally considered safe for most patients, including those with normal blood pressure. Concerns about inducing hypotension in normotensive individuals are minimal, as studies indicate that blood pressure remains stable in these patients during treatment.

Should We Be Worried About Hypotensive Episodes When Administering IV Vitamin C In Normotensive Patients?

As we’ve discussed, IV vitamin C is commonly administered for the purposes of immune system support, particularly in cases of various forms of cancer. In addition to promoting anti-neoplastic activity, research also suggests that high dose IV vitamin C promotes anti-viral and anti-bacterial activity, supports recovery after injury or surgery, alleviates disease-related fatigue, and improves overall quality of life.[4-8] Given the fact that IV vitamin C also supports healthy blood pressure levels, some have raised concerns about its administration inducing a hypotensive state in normotensive patients.

In theory, this is a highly appropriate concern; however, the current research demonstrates that while administering vitamin C intravenously at higher doses can lead to a decrease in blood pressure in pre-hypertensive and mildly hypertensive patients, blood pressure tends to remain steady with its administration in normotensive patients.[3] In other words, if your patients’ blood pressures are already within the normal range, administering IV vitamin C is unlikely to result in hypotension.

What is the Best IV Vitamin C Dosage and Frequency for Heart Health?

The best IV Vitamin C dosage for heart health typically ranges from 15 to 30 grams per session, with higher doses (up to 100 grams) used in some cases. For general cardiovascular support, infusions are often administered once a week or bi-weekly, while more frequent sessions (2-3 times per week) may be recommended for patients with severe hypertension. It is essential to tailor treatment plans to individual patient needs and monitor for any potential complications. Regular follow-ups and blood pressure assessments are crucial for evaluating the effectiveness of the therapy.

Does Administering IV Vitamin C Along With Other Nutrients (B Vitamins, Glutathione, Zinc, and Magnesium) Alter Its Effect on Blood Pressure?

Interestingly, research demonstrates that administering IV vitamin C in conjunction with vitamin B12 results in an increase in blood pressure compared to when IV vitamin C is administered alone.[3] In contrast, when vitamin C was administered along with glutathione, magnesium, zinc, and B vitamins other than vitamin B12, no increase in blood pressure was noted. Again, this is compared to when vitamin C was administered alone. Find out more here: How do zinc, glutathione, and vitamin C boost the immune system?

Can Too Much Vitamin C Cause Heart Problems?

Excessive intake of vitamin C, especially through supplements, may increase the risk of heart problems in some individuals. While vitamin C has antioxidant properties and cardiovascular benefits, high doses (around 1000 mg per day) have been linked to an elevated risk of heart disease in certain studies. The relationship between high-dose supplementation and cardiovascular risk is complex, so it’s important for individuals, particularly those with existing heart conditions, to consult healthcare providers before significantly increasing vitamin C intake.

Are There Any Precautions That We Should Take Before Administering IV Vitamin C?

IV vitamin C is generally viewed as safe, but there are a few precautions that we should take before administering it. For example, we should definitely ensure that our patients’ kidneys are functioning optimally. If kidney function is suboptimal, it would be best for us to avoid IV vitamin C administration altogether or to otherwise adjust our treatment protocol based on each patient’s kidney function.

As another highly relevant precaution, we should always check our patients for glucose-6-phosphate-dehydrogenase (G6PD) deficiency before administering supraphysiologic doses of IV vitamin C. This is because administering high doses of IV vitamin C can result in hemolysis and other unwanted complications in these patients.

Renal impairment and G6PD deficiency are the two most relevant precautions that we need to take into consideration when considering administering IV vitamin C. To learn more about safely addressing hypertension and other concerns using IV nutrients, enroll in the IV Therapy Academy course. You can learn more here: IV Nutritional Therapy Course Information.


  1. Brody S, Preut R, Schommer K, Schürmeyer TH. A randomized controlled trial of high dose ascorbic acid for reduction of blood pressure, cortisol, and subjective responses to psychological stress. Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2002;159:319–324.5

  2. Schuler JL, O’Brien WH. Cardiovascular recovery from stress and hypertension risk factors: a meta-analytic review. Psychophysiology 1997;34:649–659.

  3. Ried K, Travica N, Sali A. The acute effect of high-dose intravenous vitamin C and other nutrients on blood pressure: a cohort study. Blood Press Monit. 2016;21(3):160–167.

  4. Fritz H, Flower G, Weeks L, Cooley K, Callachan M, McGowan J, et al. Intravenous vitamin C and cancer: a systematic review. Integr Cancer Ther 2014;13:280–300.12

  5. Lee WJ. The prospects of vitamin C in cancer therapy. Immune Netw 2009;9:147–152.13

  6. Oudemans-van Straaten HM, Spoelstra-de Man AM, de Waard MC. Vitamin C revisited. Crit Care 2014;18:460.14

  7. Mikirova N, Hunninghake R. Effect of high dose vitamin C on Epstein–Barrviral infection. Med Sci Monit 2014;20:725–732.15

  8. Carr AC, Vissers MC, Cook JS. The effect of intravenous vitamin C on cancer- and chemotherapy-related fatigue and quality of life. Front Oncol 2014;4:283.


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