5 Best Protocols To Kick-start Your IV Therapy Practice
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5 Best Protocols To Kick-start Your IV Therapy Practice

Updated: Sep 21, 2024

Are you thinking of advancing your IV therapy medical practice but still unsure if this is right for you? We understand where you are coming from, which is why we shared why you should consider adding intravenous (IV) therapy to your practice.

If you also want to start your own IV therapy business but are uncertain about what protocols to use, then we got you covered. This article will tackle the top 5 IV protocols used by every well-established clinic and some studies that support their use. These protocols become especially important if you want to kick start your IV practice. But if you want a head start, watch our free training on how to open one and overcome scope of practice limitations.

What Are the Best Protocols for an IV Therapy Practice?

Here are 5 of the best protocols to kick-start an IV therapy practice:

1. Myers Cocktail

Myers Cocktail

“Myers’ cocktail” may be synonymous with IV micronutrient therapy (IVMT) to some since this infusion started it all. Dr. John Myers pioneered the use of IV vitamins and minerals to treat his patients with a variety of medical problems since the late 1950s. His patients, who have been taking IV therapy for decades, attest to its effectiveness and even seek it long after he died. Current knowledge caused modifications to enhance the original concoction made by Dr. Myers, but it remains the most popular IV protocol.

In a review of Dr.Gaby, the modified version was repeatedly beneficial for a wide range of medical conditions with outstanding results. It is often best for health issues such as asthma, migraines, fatigue, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, upper respiratory tract infections, and inflammation. Even relatively healthy patients choose to receive it because it enhances their overall well-being.

The common components of Myers Cocktail include magnesium, calcium, vitamin B complex, and vitamin C. These nutrients are known to support the immune system, promote bone health, and help relieve pain and inflammation. However, their effects are dose-dependent and can only be achieved with IV therapy, not through oral supplements. Several studies support these limitations. Check out our article regarding the use of vitamin C in cancer.

Perfect dosage combination is the key in any IV protocol considering that vitamin C’s antiviral and antihistamine effect can manifest only upon reaching a certain serum level. Magnesium relaxes both vascular and bronchial smooth muscle that aids those suffering from vasospasm and bronchial asthma. It can also potentially improve mood and enhance the effects of standard antidepressant treatment, as confirmed by a study in 2016.

Aside from the clinical support of calcium supplementation to bone health, early research demonstrated its promising effect on acute asthma exacerbations and severe anaphylactic reactions. More so, certain combinations of vitamin B not only prevent and treat deficiency but also influence one's energy levels, brain function, and cell health.

A trial conducted on the use of Myers' cocktail for patients with fibromyalgia syndrome (FMS) established the safety and feasibility of treatment with IV therapy. Most subjects experienced relief compared to baseline with clinically significant improvements, though bigger sample size is required to cement the results. Given the high rate of dehydration in fibromyalgia patients, we can count on the benefits the infusion will bring.

2. MIC/Skinny Shot

Skinny Shot

MIC stands for methionine, inositol, and choline. Together with carnitine, B6, and B12, this blend helps the body's metabolism, removes toxins, and promotes fat loss. It speeds up fat burning and assists in weight loss while providing energy support.

Each component of Lipo (MIC) Injection delivers an effect, though the combination may prove synergistic. Choline, together with myoinositol supplements can inhibit weight gain while decreasing liver fat. Methionine can regulate metabolic processes digestive function and affects lipid metabolism too. Meanwhile, inositol accelerates weight loss and fat mass reduction while increasing lean mass. It can also exhibit medical benefits in patients with diabetes and hypertension.

A study on choline supplementation use resulted in rapidly reduced body mass for female athletes and improved lipid metabolism without any side effects on strength. Furthermore, a significant reduction in the urine malondialdehyde (MDA) was observed, proving choline’s use as an antioxidant. Several studies support that L carnitine can significantly decrease body mass index (BMI) and have numerous cardiovascular benefits. Overall, this IV protocol not only promotes a leaner body but a healthier one as well.

3. Glutathione IV Protocol

Glutathione IV Protocol

Glutathione (GSH) is a small protein found in cells and is a master antioxidant that enhances the utilization and recycling of other antioxidants. It comprises three amino acids: cysteine, glycine, and glutamate. You can find it in foods such as spinach, avocados, asparagus, okra, etc., although cooking and pasteurization diminish its levels significantly.

GSH’s value as a nutritional supplement derives from its role in synthesizing proteins in the body. These proteins perform many functions relating to the synthesis and repair of tissues. Although, its primary use is still an antioxidant that prevents or slows down the damage caused by free radicals. As numerous bodily functions can create free radicals, damage caused by it starts to add up, causing what is known as oxidative stress.

Heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and other inflammatory conditions are all linked to oxidative stress that could be neutralized by an antioxidant. As we age, our body’s Glutathione level naturally declines. Although this can be produced in the body (endogenous antioxidant), supplementation and following healthy lifestyle practices are important. The body’s demand for glutathione increases in times of immense stress – illness, injury, or infection (such as a global pandemic).

Since it is involved in many biological processes – free radical neutralization, detoxification, vitamin C and E regeneration, etc. – IV therapy Glutathione can support the immune system and aid in healing and recovery while helping your skin glow. GSH demonstrates a protective role towards all cells (brain, heart, liver, kidneys, lungs, etc), supporting cancer treatment and reproductive health. It even manifested benefits in the treatment of COVID-19.

Aside from its influence on a couple of medical conditions, GSH level also affects the skin and apparent signs of aging. In a 2017 study, subjects supplemented with GSH showed a significant reduction in wrinkles and increased skin elasticity compared to placebo treatments. Another study on females with brown or dark brown skin established that it is safe and effective in lightening the skin. This was further supported by Duperray in a 2021 study validating the lightening of skin coupled with the reduction of facial dark spot size.

A novel wound dressing incorporated with GSH accelerated the healing process by 70%. Combined with copper ions, another study explored the antimicrobial and wound healing potential of glutathione against multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacterial infections, where it prevented postsurgical wound infections and aided in wound closure. These are just some of the many undergoing research regarding this antioxidant's use and endless potential, GSH.

4. Athletic Performance Roadrunner

Athletic Performance

Athletic performance and recovery can be supported by a blend of Amino Acids, Vitamin B-Complex, Normal Saline, and Antioxidants (glutathione and α-lipoic acid). Each contributes to increasing physical performance, aiding recovery, improving activity tolerance, and replenishing fluids and nutrients. Implementing IV therapy protocols for athletes can enhance these benefits by ensuring that athletes receive optimal hydration and nutrient replenishment. Lower levels of dehydration can diminish the body's capabilities, emphasizing the need for sufficient fluid intake. Additionally, the replenishment of lost nutrients can prove instrumental in keeping up with strenuous activities.

Aerobic muscular endurance can be increased significantly with the supplementation of amino acids. It can delay exhaustion time during exercise or activity and aids in improving grip and leg strength while decreasing body weight and fat mass. These effects are further enhanced with the use of Vitamin B-complex.

According to a study, antioxidant supplementation before intensive exercise may improve physical performance. It increases time to fatigue and recovery from exercise. In a randomized trial on 75 resistance-trained males, supplementation of GSH with L-citrulline (CIT) increased lean mass and muscle strength. Intake of α-lipoic acid (ALA) may prove helpful to enhance skeletal muscle regeneration because of changes it generates in the inflammatory response.

5. Immunity Booster with Hydration

Immunity Booster

The immune system protects us against harmful microbes as well as certain diseases. Whether innate (protective barriers) or adaptive (also known as acquired) immunity, a deficiency of nutrients can alter the body's immune response. Due to this, the role of hydration and nutrition in immunity has received increasing attention. A combination of fluids, Vitamin C, Zinc, Glutathione, Magnesium, and B-complex can help boost one's response to diseases. This IV protocol can guard and strengthen the body, support wound therapy and promote general health.

Zinc is recognized to have wide-range effects on immunity. It is needed for the normal development and success of cells mediating nonspecific and acquired immunity. It plays an important part in the growth of cells, building proteins, and healing damaged tissues. It may reduce inflammation, even improving lung clearance.

Zinc also functions as an antioxidant that stabilizes membranes and prevents apoptosis or cell death. A review of current data suggests that adequate zinc level increases immune reactivity and modulates antiviral and antibacterial immunity. Thus, inadequate supply may predispose an individual to infectious diseases such as the upper and lower respiratory tract.

Same as Zinc, Magnesium, and Vitamin C, which support various aspects of innate and adaptive immune systems. You can also boost immunity with IV infusion. Deficiency in Vitamin C has been associated with impairments in immunity and increased susceptibility to infections. It is also known to reduce the severity and shorten the duration of cold symptoms. Likewise, magnesium deficit has impaired cellular and humoral immune function, delaying the sequential inflammatory response.

Damage from free radicals can impair bodily functions, thus the need for antioxidants. Insufficient levels of Glutathione have a profound influence on weakening the immune system, so the body’s ability to fight infections is lessened. Vitamin B-complex also plays a role in decreasing oxidative stress, acting as an antioxidant. At the same time, it is vital in several immune processes, such as lessening inflammation and improving pulmonary function while exhibiting anti-stress effects and lowering anxiety.

IV Therapy Protocols to Ensure Compliance

To ensure compliance when offering IV therapy services, medical spas, and IV lounges should implement the following protocols:

1. Abide by State CPOM and Scope of Practice Laws

  • IV therapy is considered the practice of medicine in every state.

  • Providers must follow their state's corporation practice of medicine (CPOM) regulations and scope of practice laws.

  • CPOM laws impact who is allowed to own the clinical entity offering IV therapy.

  • Scope of practice regulations dictate which providers can diagnose patients and recommend IV treatment.

2. Establish a Provider-Patient Relationship through a Good Faith Exam

  • Providers must establish a provider-patient relationship through a Good Faith Exam (GFE) before recommending an IV.

  • The GFE should include a thorough understanding of the patient's medical history and potential risks.

  • The patient-provider relationship should dictate the recommended IV mixture.

3. Let a Provider Determine if a Patient Qualifies for Treatment

  • A qualified healthcare provider should always have the final say on whether a patient qualifies for IV therapy treatment.

  • A patient's request for a specific treatment does not release the provider from responsibility or serve as a defense in a board action against the provider's license.

4. Practice Safe and Compliant Compounding

  • Compounding IV solutions has legal and health risks, so providers should proceed with caution.

  • Providers should consult their state's Board of Pharmacy for specific compounding regulations, which may vary.

  • The FDA has issued warnings about the risks of compounding under insanitary conditions.

5. Have Standardized Operating Procedures for IV Administration

  • Providers should have clear protocols for conducting GFEs, making treatment recommendations, documenting informed consent, compounding, and administering IVs.

  • Lack of clear regulation should not lead to a lack of clear protocols within the practice.

By implementing these protocols, medical spas and IV lounges can help ensure compliance with state laws and regulations when offering IV therapy services.

Final Thoughts on IV Therapy Protocols

Whether helping in the treatment of various medical conditions (cancer, infection, fatigue, inflammation, etc.), improving health and total body performance, or giving an immune boost, individualized prescriptions to fit each client’s nutritional and physiological needs are advised.

Remember that vitamin and mineral supplements should not be considered a substitute for a good diet and healthy lifestyle. Still, proper IV infusion by a professional IV therapy provider can bring about benefits that can improve one's way of life. It is imperative to strictly follow the IV protocol's proper storage, infusion, and dosing to prevent any untoward complications.

The use of IV therapy for support and treatment has been around for decades. Clinical results have been presented in conferences, and several studies were conducted regarding its potential benefits; however, most of these are preclinical, with small sample size. As the quest for new knowledge and the need for alternative medicine still stands, we can look forward to more fresh insight regarding these treatments.


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